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New South Wales


On 16 November 2022, NSW passed a Bill making coercive control a criminal offence in domestic (intimate partner) relationships: Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Act 2022 No 65.


From July 2024, coercive control will be a criminal offence in NSW when a person uses abusive behaviours towards a current or former intimate partner with the intention to coerce or control them. People found guilty under the new law will face up to seven years in jail. 


The criminal offence will capture repeated patterns of physical or non-physical abuse used to hurt, scare, intimidate, threaten or control someone. The law will only apply to abusive behaviour that happens after the law starts.




Coercive control will become a criminal offence and removing a condom without consent will be considered rape under historic laws passed by Queensland parliament on 6 March 2024.


Under sweeping reform passed in an omnibus bill, coercive control will become a criminal offence in 2025 and attract a maximum penalty of 14 years.


You Can Make An Impact


You can write to your local State or Federal Member of Parliament as well as the federal or your state's Attorney General detailing your cult experience and ask them to seek a change in legislation to make coercive control a criminal offence for cultic groups and groups generally, for example gangs and other seemingly legitimate organisations which use deceptive and coercive recruitment and commit abusive behaviour.


Below are the contact details for the Australian Attorney General and State Attorneys General whose departments are responsible for introducing Bills into Parliament to instigate changes to the law. 


  • Include your email address or postal address (PO Box or street address)

  • Outline your experience and what you are hoping to achieve

  • Provide names, dates, locations and legal case numbers if relevant

  • Ask them to respond to you

  • If you feel comfortable, ask to meet with them to chat in person.

Attorneys General (Australia)


Australian Attorney General

The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP

House of Representatives
Parliament House
PO Box 6022
Canberra ACT 2600
P (02) 6277 7300

ACT Attorney General

The Hon Shane Rattenbury MLA

GPO Box 1020
Canberra, ACT 2601
P (02) 6205 0005
Guy Barnett TAS Attorney General 2024.png

TAS Attorney General

The Hon Guy Barnett MP

Level 5, Salamanca Building, 4 Salamanca Place, Hobart, 7000
P (03) 6165 7678
Michael Daley NSW Attorney General 2024.jpeg

NSW Attorney General

The Hon. Michael Daley MP

GPO Box 5341
Sydney NSW 2001
P (02) 8574 6390
Contact Form:
Jaclyn Symes MLC VIC Attorney General.jpeg

VIC Attorney General

The Hon Jaclyn Symes MLC

49a High Street
Wallan VIC 3756
P (03) 8684 1111

WA Attorney General

The Hon John Quigley LLB JP MLA

11th Floor, Dumas House,
2 Havelock Street
West Perth WA 6005
P 08 6552 6800
Yvette D'Ath QLD Attorney General 2024.jpeg

QLD Attorney General

The Hon Yvette D'Ath MP

GPO Box 149
Brisbane QLD 4001
P (07) 3719 7400
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SA Attorney General

The Hon Kyam Maher MP

GPO Box 464
Adelaide SA 5001
P (08) 8207 1723

NT Attorney General
The Hon Chanston Paech, MLA

Parliament House
GPO Box 3146
Darwin, NT 0801
P Ph. 8936 5688
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